Made with ❤ for law & tech
Review licensing agreements
10x faster with expert precision
Streamline the redlining of IP licenses, DPAs, NDAs, privacy policies, terms & conditions, and more by combining expert legal knowledge and AI-powered insights.
Save 2+ hours/license and increase your review capacity by 50%
CuratedAI saves countless hours and automates your workflow with ease and flexibility. Forget split-screening and manual comparisons against regulatory and internal requirements.
Upload docs and review them against legal criteria
Upload a licensing agreement in .docx, .pdf or directly copy-paste weblinks to publicly available EULAs, SLAs, etc.
Choose a side from which you want the IP license reviewed (licensor or licensee). Give details about the IP right - copyright, trademark, patent.
Review the document automatically against a set of regulatory and commercial criteria, developed by intellectual property lawyers.
Get an issues report and red lines ready to export in Word
Receive a downloadable report with the main issues spotted in the license agreement (critical, pay attention, and recommendations)
Easily track the link between each issue or passed check and the respective licensing agreement article
Get red lines you can easily accept/reject, or continue brainstorming on with AI. Export the result in MS Word file with tracked changes.
Customise criteria and add template examples
We're all in for full transparency and customization! We know each lawyer has their own criteria and style of doing reviews.
You can browse through all default criteria, disable them, or edit both the criteria and their criticality.
Make CuratedAI your own. We give you the option to add your own review criteria, templates or example clauses.
Coming soon 👀
We're rolling out new features all the time. Stay tuned as we add more documents and customisation options.
We will streamline reviews and generation of standard contractual clauses, and allow you to brainstorm on security measures, aligned with company standards.
Privacy Policies
Privacy notices (for websites but also internal) are next on our radar. Check compliance with Article 13 and 14 GDPR and adapt to your case.
AI chat with document
What is an AI tool without chat? We'll allow you to chat with entire documents and individual clauses to extract key info, get summaries and suggestions.
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